Brief History:What is "Environmental Art"?
Artwork created by artists concerned with the state of our environment worldwide, and with their local situation. Environmental artists often work in these ways:Artists interpret nature, creating artworks to inform us about nature and its processes, or about environmental problems we face. Artists interact with environmental forces, creating artworks affected or powered by wind, water, lightning, even earthquakes.

2.Social, ethical, and human issues
3.Technology productivity tools
4.Technology communications tools
5.Technology research tools
6.Technology problem-solving and decision-making tools
NAEA Standards:
- Discuss the meaning or purpose of art in nature.
- Make their own image using tools in sketch it and a scene in nature.
- Use skills learn through Photoshop as well as Google link.
Teacher’s Prep Visuals:
1. computer
2. magazines
Supplies and materials:
1. slides
2. internet google earth, sketch it,
3. pictures
4. magazines
Teaching:Discuss the difference between environmental art from humans and art within the land or nature. Show images to test the knowledge of students. Have students go on the links listed on a link sheet and have them pick an image they would like to interpret or improve themselves on sketch it.Ulrike Arnold
1. Students will get in groups of four.
2. Look at several images on the internet.
3. Students will then decide what continents they will like to research.
4. Find an artist from that country and look at ECO Art.
5. Look at the natural scenes and pick one of each.
6. Write a short summary of artist chosen.
7. Go into Sketch it and make a landscape of your own natural scene.
8. Have a critique and share natural image. ECO ART
Extensions:Students can go to Photoshop and change their image.
Critique/Assessments:At the end of the class students will share their images.
Closure:Students will put their image on our class site.
Time Budget:Two -45 minute classes
Safety Concerns:Take 5 minute breaks after 20 minutes to rest eyes.
- Art Eco
- Photoshop
- Sketch It
- Earth Eco design
- http:/
I love this lesson plan! I think it is imprtant for children to be aware that artists do not necessarily have to use paint to be a great artist. Especially in today's world, where environmental issues are so prevalent, this is a great topic and activity to discuss with students.
This lesson provided a lot of great links and insight into Eco-Art. It helped me get a good feel for what Environmental Art can be.
I got a lot of helpful insight not only from this lesson plan, but also from the links on the bibliography. nice work!
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